Upholding Human Rights: A Cornerstone for Sustainable Development

Written by Deborah Kiameh

Reading time: 15 minutes

Human Rights’ Significance and role in Sustainable Development

Since they guarantee that each person’s fundamental rights and freedoms are respected, human rights mechanisms are essential to the advancement of sustainable development. These systems are crucial for promoting inclusive and equitable societies, increasing community well-being overall, and holding governments and other stakeholders accountable. Human rights principles can be incorporated into development of policies and practices to help nations build a more equitable, resilient, and sustainable future for all.

The foundation of inclusive and equitable societies is laid by human rights, which are essential to sustainable development. Nation-states can foster a conducive atmosphere for sustainable development by respecting fundamental human rights principles like equality, participation, accountability, and non-discrimination. People are more inclined to actively engage in society, support economic expansion, and preserve the environment for future generations when their human rights are upheld and safeguarded.

Sustainable development initiatives are grounded in the fundamental principles of human rights. They offer a framework for dealing with problems like social injustice, poverty, and discrimination. Governments may foster an atmosphere in which people can fully participate in society, have access to healthcare and education, conduct economic activity, and contribute to the general development of their communities by respecting human rights standards.

In addition to being morally required, respecting human rights is a calculated investment in sustainable development. People are more likely to be well-informed, prosperous, and productive when human rights are upheld. This encourages creativity and productivity. Human rights breaches can also impede the achievement of sustainable development objectives by sustaining cycles of poverty, marginalization, and violence.

  1. Alignment with SDG Targets: The fact that more than 90% of the SDG targets coincide with human rights obligations shows how closely related human rights and sustainable development goals are. Countries can effectively work towards achieving the SDGs and promoting inclusive development by respecting human rights.

A comprehensive action plan with a focus on people, planet, prosperity, peace, and partnership is outlined in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. It acknowledges that ending poverty is a major worldwide issue and a prerequisite for sustainable development. The Agenda seeks to protect the planet’s health while delivering humanity from poverty and want. It highlights that everyone should participate in this group’s journey towards sustainability.

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) address a number of issues that are vital to both the planet and humankind:

  • People: The objective is to eradicate all forms of hunger and poverty so that everyone can live with equality, dignity, and a healthy environment and realize their full potential.
  • Planet: This objective is to prevent environmental degradation by managing natural resources, consuming and producing goods sustainably, combating climate change, and meeting the needs of both the current and future generations.
  • Prosperity: ensuring that everyone can live prosperous lives and advancing social, technological, and economic advancement in harmony with the environment.
  • Peace: stressing how crucial it is to create societies that are inclusive, just, and free from violence and fear because without peace, sustainable development is impossible.
  • Partnership: coordinating efforts via a Global Partnership for Sustainable Development to meet the most impoverished and vulnerable people’s needs while incorporating all nations, parties involved, and individuals.

The SDGs’ interdependencies are essential to achieving the full goal of the Agenda. Globally, lives can be significantly improved if these objectives are met collectively over the next fifteen years.

In summary, because they guarantee that human dignity and rights are universally respected, human rights form a crucial core element for sustainable development. In order to ensure that no one is left behind in development efforts, it is helpful to align with SDG targets.

  • Human Rights as a Framework for Sustainable Development: Human rights are essential values that acknowledge each person’s intrinsic worth and dignity. The rights that every person is entitled to are outlined in a number of human rights instruments that the UN has established, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights, and International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. These rights form a comprehensive framework for guaranteeing sustainable development, encompassing civil, political, economic, social, and cultural facets of life.
  • Governments, organizations, and communities: can address underlying issues that pose risks to individuals and societies by incorporating human rights into sustainable development initiatives. Policies and initiatives can be created with inclusivity, nondiscrimination, participation, accountability, transparency, and empowerment in mind by using human rights as a lens. This strategy lessens the likelihood of conflict, environmental deterioration, poverty, inequality, marginalization, and other issues that impede sustainable development.
  • Preventing Risks through Human Rights-Based Approaches: The goal of human rights-based approaches to sustainable development is to address the underlying causes of injustices and vulnerabilities in order to prevent risks. Societies can become more resilient to different threats if they acknowledge and uphold people’s rights to clean water, sanitation, employment opportunities, healthcare, education, housing, food security, social protection, freedom of expression, peaceful assembly, access to justice, and non-discrimination based on gender or ethnicity, among other things; as an illustration:
  1. Preventing intergenerational poverty and improving economic opportunities can be achieved by guaranteeing all children’s access to high-quality education. Ensuring access to healthcare services can lower death rates and enhance general health.
  2. People can be shielded from homelessness and displacement as a result of urban development projects or natural disasters by having access to adequate housing.
  3. Encouraging gender equality can enable women and girls to take full part in society and make contributions to initiatives for sustainable development.

The effective mitigation of risks associated with poverty reduction efforts, public health emergencies like pandemics, climate change impacts including extreme weather events, armed conflicts, or political instability can be achieved by upholding human rights standards in policymaking and implementation processes across sectors, such as health care systems strengthening, education reform initiatives, housing policies, labor market regulations, and environmental conservation strategies.

Promoting Positive Impacts through Human Rights-Based Approaches such as:

  • Equality and Non-Discrimination: Human rights principles place a strong emphasis on the concepts of equality and non-discrimination. Development initiatives can produce more inclusive and long-lasting results by guaranteeing that everyone has equal access to opportunities, resources, and services. Promoting positive effects in society requires addressing discrimination based on characteristics like gender, race, or disability.
  • Participation and Empowerment: The involvement and empowerment of marginalized groups in decision-making processes are given priority in human rights-based approaches. Communities’ needs and goals are better served when they are included in the planning and execution of development projects. Encouraging people to assert their rights encourages participation in development procedures and produces more long-lasting results.
  • Accountability and Rule of Law: Accountability procedures that make duty bearers answerable for their deeds are necessary to uphold human rights. Development initiatives are more likely to have a positive effect while preventing corruption and the abuse of power if they support accountability, transparency, and the rule of law. Sustainable development is made possible by robust legal frameworks that uphold human rights.
  • Social Justice and Equity: By supporting an equitable distribution of opportunities and resources within society, human rights advance social justice. Long-term sustainability and beneficial effects on general well-being are achieved by addressing inequalities through policies that give priority to the most vulnerable populations. Sustainable development requires ensuring fair access to jobs, housing, healthcare, education, and other resources.
  • Environmental Protection: Human rights and environmental sustainability are closely related because many human rights, including the right to food, water, sanitation, health, and life, depend on a healthy environment. It is possible to reduce risks associated with climate change, pollution, deforestation, and resource depletion while fostering beneficial effects on people and the environment by incorporating environmental considerations into development planning via a human rights lens.

The Function of Human Rights Mechanisms for Sustainable Development: Bilateral and Multilateral Collaboration

The advancement of human rights mechanisms for sustainable development is greatly aided by bilateral and multilateral cooperation. In addition to supporting sustainable development, these partnerships between nations, international organizations, and other stakeholders are crucial for advancing and defending human rights throughout the world.

  • Bilateral Cooperation: Partnerships and agreements between two nations to address shared issues, such as human rights concerns, are referred to as bilateral cooperation. Countries can share best practices, offer technical support, and encourage one another to implement human rights mechanisms that support sustainable development through bilateral cooperation. For instance, a developed nation could help a developing country improve its legal system to safeguard human rights or train law enforcement officers on upholding human rights norms.
  • Multilateral Cooperation: Working together, several nations or international organizations tackle complex global issues like human rights abuses and sustainable development objectives. This is known as multilateral cooperation. Promoting multilateral cooperation on human rights issues is greatly aided by institutions such as the United Nations (UN), the European Union (EU), and regional bodies. These organizations promote communication, organize activities, and gather resources to assist nations in respecting human rights norms and pursuing sustainable development goals.
  • Role of Human Rights Mechanisms: Human rights mechanisms play a crucial role in the global monitoring, reporting, and resolution of human rights violations. Setting standards and ensuring that states fulfill their human rights obligations are important tasks for international organizations like the UN Human Rights Council, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Countries can deepen their commitment to human rights principles and incorporate them into their agendas for sustainable development by interacting with these mechanisms.
  • Impact on Sustainable Development: Effective bilateral and multilateral cooperation in the realm of human rights mechanisms can have a profound impact on sustainable development outcomes. By promoting respect for human rights, ensuring access to justice, combating discrimination, and empowering marginalized groups, countries can create an enabling environment for sustainable development initiatives to thrive. When human rights are upheld, individuals are more likely to enjoy social inclusion, economic opportunities, environmental protection, and political participation—all of which are essential components of sustainable development.

In brief, utilizing human rights mechanisms to further sustainable development goals requires both bilateral and multilateral cooperation. Countries can create more inclusive societies that put human dignity and long-term sustainability first by cooperating at the national, regional, and international levels to uphold human rights principles and guarantee accountability for offenses.

Promoting global peace, stability, and prosperity requires cooperation between European and Arab nations on human rights matters and sustainable development projects. Both regions understand how critical it is to collaborate in order to address shared issues and realize common objectives. Here are a few examples of bilateral and multilateral collaboration in these fields between European and Arab nations:

  • European Union (EU) and Arab League Partnership: In an effort to address human rights issues and advance sustainable development in the area, the EU and the Arab League have participated in a number of cooperative projects. Regular discussions on human rights issues, such as those pertaining to social justice, political freedoms, and civil liberties, have been held by the two organizations. They have also collaborated on projects to support sustainable development initiatives in Arab nations, advance trade relations, and strengthen economic cooperation.
  • Euro-Mediterranean Partnership (Euromed): The Barcelona Process, also known as the Euromed partnership, unites Mediterranean nations, including a number of Arab states, with EU member states. The objectives of this initiative are to foster cultural exchange, improve economic cooperation, and fortify political discourse among the participating nations. European and Arab nations work together on a range of issues concerning human rights, democracy promotion, sustainable development, and regional security within the framework of the Euromed framework.
  • European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) Projects in Arab Countries: In several Arab nations, the EBRD has been actively involved in funding projects that promote sustainable development initiatives. The EBRD supports the region’s environmental sustainability, infrastructure quality, and economic growth by offering financial support, technical assistance, and policy advice. In Arab communities, these initiatives support social inclusion, raise living standards, and generate employment opportunities.
  •  Bilateral Cooperation Initiatives: Many European nations have bilateral cooperation agreements with individual Arab countries in addition to multilateral partnerships in order to support sustainable development initiatives and address particular human rights issues. These agreements frequently entail cooperative projects in fields like poverty alleviation, women’s empowerment, healthcare, education, and the environment. Through close collaboration at the bilateral level, European and Arab nations can effectively customize their efforts to each partner country’s specific needs.

In general, cooperation on human rights matters and sustainable development projects between European and Arab nations is essential to fostering understanding, diversity respect, and socioeconomic advancement in both areas.

Challenges and Opportunities in Europe-Arab Relations

While Europe and the Arab world are dedicated to advancing sustainable development and human rights, they face obstacles because of their differences. Both regions can move closer to a more inclusive society that protects everyone’s human rights by acknowledging these differences and cooperating to address them through communication, respect, and unity.

Common Ground between Europe and the Arab World

The Arab world and Europe are both dedicated to advancing sustainable development and human rights. The significance of protecting essential human rights, including the freedom of speech, equality before the law, and the rights to life, liberty, and personal security, is acknowledged in both areas. Additionally, they recognize the importance of sustainable development strategies that safeguard the environment for coming generations while guaranteeing economic growth.

The belief that human rights are universal is one area of agreement. International agreements like the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which set forth a set of fundamental rights that should be guaranteed to all people regardless of their nationality or background, have been ratified by both Europe and the Arab world.

Moreover, both regions recognize the significance of women’s empowerment and gender equality in accomplishing sustainable development objectives. Human rights and sustainable development can be advanced by Europe and the Arab world working together to promote gender equality, increase women’s access to healthcare and education, and increase their involvement in decision-making.

Areas of Divergence between Europe and the Arab World

Europe and the Arab world share some commonalities, but they also have differences that make it difficult to advance human rights and sustainable development. A notable distinction is found in the political and governance frameworks. While many European nations have developed democratic systems with robust institutions that protect human rights, some Arab nations suffer under authoritarian governments that impose restrictions on freedoms and discourage civic engagement.

Another area of difference relates to customs and cultural norms that could influence how people view human rights. Differing perspectives on matters like LGBTQ+ rights, freedom of expression, and religion can occasionally result from differences in cultural norms, religious beliefs, and historical backgrounds.

Promoting sustainable development is hampered by the economic divide between Europe and the Arab world. While some European nations have developed economies and strong social welfare structures, many Arab nations struggle with issues like high rates of unemployment, poverty, and restricted access to essential services like healthcare and education.

Although there are obstacles in the way of improving relations between Europe and the Arab world, proactive involvement founded on communication, collaboration, capacity building, efforts to maintain regional stability, economic alliances, and common values can open the door to more positive relations between European nations and the governments of the Middle East and North Africa.

Challenges in Europe-Arab Relations:

Effective engagement of Europe with regional actors in the Middle East and North Africa is beset by a number of obstacles, especially in the wake of the Arab Spring. Among the principal difficulties are:

  • Lack of Systematic Approach: Rather than taking a unified and methodical stance toward the Arab Spring and its aftermath, European nations have frequently responded to events in the region on an as-needed basis. Engaging with regional actors effectively may be hampered by this inconsistency.
  • Complex Political Landscapes: Many Middle Eastern and North African nations have complicated political environments with a variety of competing interests and power structures. In order to interact with governments and other stakeholders in the region effectively, Europe must have a thorough understanding of these nuances.
  • Historical Baggage: Certain Arab states harbor mistrust towards European powers due to the historical legacies of colonialism and Western intervention in the region. Building positive relationships requires letting go of this past baggage.
  • Security Concerns: Europe finds it difficult to interact with regional players because of the unstable security conditions in some parts of the Middle East. To ensure effective cooperation, issues like terrorism, conflict, and instability must be carefully navigated.
  • Human Rights and Governance: Tensions in relations between Europe and certain Arab states can arise from differences in how they view democracy, human rights, and governance. It is very difficult to reconcile these differences while advancing common values.

Opportunities for Engagement:

Besides these obstacles, Europe has the chance to interact positively with the governments of the Middle East and North Africa:

  • Dialogue and Cooperation: Regular dialogues between Europe and Arab states on political, security, and economic matters can take place through platforms such as the EU-LAS Strategic Dialogue. Both parties can work toward shared objectives by encouraging communication and collaboration.
  • Capacity Building: Projects like training courses on Euro-Arab diplomacy, collaboration on counterterrorism, and cultural exchanges provide chances to develop mutual knowledge and skills between Europe and the Arab world.
  • Regional Stability: Europe can help to improve stability and security in the Middle East and North Africa by aiding initiatives for peacebuilding, conflict resolution, and sustainable development in the area.
  • Economic Partnerships: Strengthening economic ties through trade agreements, investment partnerships, and development assistance can create mutual benefits for both European countries and Arab states.
  • Promoting Shared Values: Highlighting common principles like democracy, human rights, the rule of law, and responsible governance can aid in bridging divides and promoting closer ties between Europe and the Arab world.

Examples of Case Studies:

For development initiatives in Europe and the Arab world to be inclusive and sustainable, human rights mechanisms must be incorporated. The following are particular instances of effective projects that highlight the advantages of this integration:

  • European Union (EU) – Human Rights-Based Approach to Development: The European Union (EU) has pledged to incorporate the Human Rights-Based Approach (HRBA) development methodology into its development initiatives with partner nations. International humanitarian law and international human rights law, particularly the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, serve as the foundation for this strategy. Human rights are universal and indivisible, and this serves as the foundation for EU policy.

Initiatives such as these demonstrate the EU’s strong political commitment to implementing HRBA in development cooperation:

  1. Political and Policy Dialogue: promoting human rights through political and policy discussions with allies.
  2. Human Rights Guidelines: The release of eleven human rights guidelines that serve as a framework for the advancement and defense of human rights.
  3. European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR): supporting global initiatives that work to advance human rights and democracy.
  4. Human Rights and Democracy Country Strategies: coordinating the development of human rights strategies with EU member states.

The significance of HRBA in development cooperation is emphasized in the European Consensus on Development. It is consistent with the tenets of EU external action, including equality, respect for human dignity, and the indivisibility of human rights. The EU hopes to guarantee inclusive partnerships, accountability, transparency, and compliance with partners’ human rights obligations by putting HRBA into effect.

In EU funding programs such as Global Europe: Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument, the application of a rights-based approach is indispensable. For EU external actions, the Toolbox on the Human Rights-Based Approach offers helpful advice on how to integrate HRBA. This methodology empowers rights holders and fosters inclusivity by putting human rights at the center of development initiatives.

In concluding, the EU’s support of HRBA demonstrates its commitment to advancing the universal principles of human rights in all spheres of development cooperation. The European Union seeks to combat discrimination, combat poverty, and guarantee that no one is left behind in its development efforts by placing a high priority on respect for human dignity, equality, and inclusivity.

  • Tunisia – Human Rights Integration in Post-Revolution Reconstruction: The post-revolutionary climate in Tunisia has been greatly influenced by the human rights movement, which has gone from passively observing violations to actively engaging in legislative processes and pushing for policy changes. This change was necessary to address the country’s growing human rights demands and to bring the country into line with the socio-political developments that followed the 2011 revolution.
  • Impact on Legislation and Practices:

  1. Legislative Influence: The quota system in elections, which allotted 50% of candidate slots to women, and the law governing the financing of political parties and civil society organizations were two examples of the reforms that the human rights movement actively drafted and lobbied for.
  2. Policy Reforms: Human rights advocates were able to influence legislation by taking part in the legislative process. These changes covered a wide range of topics, including women’s rights, the prevention of torture, economic and social rights, and the freedom to practice one’s religion.
  3. Public Pressure Campaigns: Through campaigns, the movement encouraged public action and raised awareness of important human rights issues in Tunisian society.
  • Obstacles Met:

  1. Violations Post-Revolution: Reports of infractions continued after the revolution despite advancements, suggesting difficulties in putting new laws into effect and enforcing them.
  2. Rise in Cases of Torture: A increase in brutality cases has been reported by organizations such as OCTT, which attributes this to security agency lack of accountability and entrenched impunity.
  3. Unstable Progress: The human rights movement experienced both triumphs and setbacks during the post-revolutionary transition period, underscoring the difficulties in bringing about long-lasting change.
  • Strategies Employed:

  1. Diversified Tactics: In addition to using conventional documentation techniques, the movement advocated policies, participated in legislative action, and mobilized the public to increase its influence.
  2. Collaborative Efforts: Cooperation with other groups such as the AFTURD, LTDH, and ATFD enabled a more comprehensive approach to human rights issues and bolstered advocacy efforts.
  3. Focused Advocacy: Through focusing on particular issues like women’s rights and the prevention of torture, the movement successfully directed efforts toward urgent problems.

In Tunisia, Human rights integration into post-revolution reconstruction has been a complex process with both ongoing obstacles and successes. In the face of a shifting socio-political environment, the movement’s capacity to sway laws, propel policy changes, and galvanize public support has been crucial in forming Tunisia’s developing human rights landscape.

  • Lebanon – Refugee Rights Protection through Development Initiatives:

The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) carried out the “Community Security and Access to Justice” project in Lebanon from 2017 to 2021 with the goal of enhancing security and facilitating access to justice for Syrian refugees and host communities in Lebanon. The project’s main goal was to increase the ability of local organizations and ministries to provide better legal aid services to vulnerable groups. It covered things like raising the caliber of oversight procedures, giving legal aid services, modernizing jail facilities, and professionalizing local law enforcement.

  • Main Activities of the Good Practice:

  1. Professionalization of Municipal Police: The project’s main goal is to raise municipal police forces’ level of professionalism in order to increase service delivery and security.
  2. Improvement of Service Delivery by Lebanese Internal Security Forces: Efforts are made to enhance the services provided by the Lebanese Internal Security Forces, contributing to better security outcomes.
  3. Implementation of Community Security Approaches: The project, which aims to promote community security approaches for long-term results, is being implemented in one Union of municipalities and eighteen pilot municipalities.
  4. Improving Prison Infrastructure and Reintegration: Enhancing oversight mechanisms, such as support for the National Preventive Mechanism against Torture, and social reintegration of prisoners are among the initiatives’ goals.
  5. Development of Free State Legal Aid Services: In order to guarantee that those in need of legal assistance can access high-quality representation, it is imperative that free state legal aid services be established for host communities, migrants, Syrian refugees, and stateless individuals.

All things considered, these examples demonstrate how incorporating human rights mechanisms into development initiatives can result in noticeable advancements in the defense and advancement of human rights in both Europe and the Arab world.

Youth Engagement and Empowerment

Creating a more inclusive and sustainable society requires the empowerment and engagement of youth. In addition to benefiting the youth directly, involving them in policy development, program design, and decision-making processes improves organizational and community outcomes. Giving young people the tools they need to actively shape their own futures encourages a sense of agency, responsibility, and ownership in them. Societies can tap into the creativity, vigor, and original ideas that young people bring to the table by acknowledging the value of youth voices and perspectives.

The following are some main arguments for why youth involvement is crucial:

  1. Fresh Perspectives: The youthful demographic offers novel viewpoints, inventive concepts, and imaginative resolutions to intricate problems. Their different points of view have the power to upend established wisdom and stimulate fresh ideas regarding sustainable development and human rights.
  2. Agents of Change: Young people have the ability to significantly impact community change. Young people’s enthusiasm, passion, and dedication to making a positive social impact can be beneficial to societies when they are included in decision-making processes.
  3. Future Leaders: The next generation of leaders who will propel progress toward the realization of human rights and sustainable development goals are fostered by investing in youth engagement and empowerment. Giving young people more power now will guarantee a more sustainable and inclusive future later on.
  4. Digital Natives: Young people are frequently at the forefront of using digital tools for advocacy, awareness-raising, and mobilization around human rights issues as a result of the rise of digital technology. They are proficient in digital literacy, which enables them to be influential and successful online communicators.
  5. Interconnectedness: Young people around the world feel more connected when they are involved in youth activities. Young people can work together internationally to address shared challenges related to human rights violations and sustainable development by taking part in international youth-led initiatives.

Youth-Led Initiatives Making a Difference in Europe and the Arab World:

In Europe:

  1. Fridays for Future: Greta Thunberg, a Swedish activist, launched a global movement that has gained a lot of traction in Europe, where young people are spearheading climate strikes and pushing for immediate action on climate change.
  2. European Youth Forum (YFJ): Serving as a voice for more than 100 national youth councils and international youth organizations throughout Europe, YFJ strives to enable youth to engage in active citizenship.
  3. Erasmus+ Program: This EU-funded project encourages youth mobility, collaboration, and exchange programs among European nations, promoting young people’s solidarity and understanding of one another’s cultures.

Arab World:

  1. Mobilizing Youth for Social Change (MYSC)MYSC is a regional program that equips young Arab activists with the tools they need to lead social change by advocating for various human rights causes.
  2. Silatech: a Qatar-based group that works to give Arab youth access to jobs, business support, and skill-building opportunities in order to enable them economically.
  3. Arab Youth Climate Movement (AYCM): AYCM organizes youth environmental activists throughout the Arab world to promote sustainable solutions at the local and regional levels and to increase public awareness of the effects of climate change.

These young-led projects are a great example of the significant contributions that youth make to the advancement of human rights causes, the promotion of sustainability, and the instigation of constructive change in both Europe and the Arab world.

Challenges in Youth Engagement

Youth empowerment and engagement face a number of obstacles that impede the growth and advancement of young people. These difficulties can be divided into several important categories:

  • Lack of Proper Skills: The youth’s lack of appropriate skills is one major issue. Due in large part to shortcomings in the educational system that do not prioritize skill development, many young people are unwilling to update or improve their skill set. Additionally, young people don’t fully take advantage of government-provided opportunities like apprenticeship programs.
  • Lack of Awareness of Opportunities: Lack of knowledge about opportunities that could lead to success is another barrier. Young people might find it difficult to learn how to improve their skills and seize opportunities for advancement without the right direction or mentorship.
  • Social Challenges: Youth development is severely hampered by caste, gender, and economic inequality as well as technological limitations. These societal issues can hinder young people’s advancement and have wider effects on the social and economic advancement of a nation like India.
  • Risk of Becoming Anti-Social Elements: Some young people may turn to anti-social or criminal behavior as a result of inadequate empowerment in the areas of morality, education, and finances. This risk is increased by elements like the unemployment crisis, unstable economies, inadequate skill development, and a deficiency of infrastructure supporting employment.

Taking these issues head-on is essential to capitalizing on the demographic dividend that comes with a younger population. The advancement of youth rights, activism, and participation in local decision-making processes are critical components of national development as well as personal development.

Strategies for Meaningful Youth Engagement and Empowerment

Youth agency, voice, and involvement must be prioritized when implementing strategies to effectively engage and empower youth in your community. The following are some essential tactics for empowering and engaging young people:

  • Co-Creation and Collaboration: Involve youth in the conception, creation, and execution of initiatives or programs that directly affect them. Engaging young people in co-creation projects gives them the confidence to take charge and make valuable contributions.
  • Clear Goal Setting: Establish precise objectives and results for programs aimed at involving youth. Make sure that these objectives reflect the needs and ambitions of the young participants as well as the organization’s mission and vision. Create mechanisms to help you achieve these objectives over time.
  • Decision-Making Involvement: Give youth the chance to contribute to decision-making processes that impact them. Establish forums for young people to voice their thoughts, ideas, and criticism, such as advisory boards or councils, so they can have a say in how their experiences are shaped.
  • Youth Leadership Development: Encourage young people to take on leadership roles in organizations, participate in governance structures, or provide mentorship opportunities. Giving young people the ability to lead fosters long-term engagement and confidence.
  • Equity and Inclusion: Make inclusion and equity a top priority in all facets of your youth engagement initiatives. Make sure that a variety of backgrounds are represented, take proactive measures to remove obstacles to involvement, and foster a warm atmosphere where everyone’s opinions are respected.
  • Skill-Building Opportunities: Offer additional opportunities for skill development through workshops, training sessions, or practical experiences. Giving young people the necessary skills improves their ability to make a significant contribution to their communities.
  • Continuous Evaluation and Feedback: Evaluate the results of youth engagement programs on a regular basis using evaluation procedures and feedback systems. Utilize this feedback to inform future changes and enhancements that will better serve the needs of the younger participants.

Through the consistent and genuine application of these strategies, organizations can foster a culture of meaningful youth empowerment and engagement, which will benefit the young people involved as well as the larger community.

In discussion of the results, it is imperative that human rights mechanisms be incorporated into sustainability initiatives in order to address the systemic socioenvironmental challenges that our world faces. Human rights frameworks provide a potent tool for locating and addressing the underlying causes of unsustainable practices because they acknowledge the connection between social injustices and environmental degradation. Equity, justice, and accountability concerns can be made more prominent by using the human rights lens, which will result in more comprehensive and revolutionary approaches to sustainable development.

A framework for opposing exploitative systems, resolving power disparities, and promoting inclusive and sustainable socioecological priorities is provided by human rights mechanisms. We can gain a deeper understanding of the harmful social relations that underlie environmental degradation by integrating civil, political, economic, social, cultural, intergenerational, and collective rights into the discourse on sustainability. We can challenge preconceived notions and advocate for significant change that puts the health of the environment and people’s well-being first by using this critical perspective.

Human rights mechanisms are essentially a catalyst for rethinking sustainability in a way that goes beyond simple technical fixes and toward a future that is more just and equitable. We can endeavor to create more harmonious relationships between humans and the environment, build resilient communities, and promote environmental stewardship by utilizing the principles of human rights as tools for social transformation.


“Advocator for women’s rights, Deborah Kiameh is an executive member for an international NGO called ZONTA. She also is a member in the national debate institute in Lebanon. She studied her professional career in both Architecture and Law, after she graduated she founded her own NGO circulating around urbanized sustainable projects. Deborah’s current occupation is a General Manager in a travel and tourism company. Raising awareness of the importance of sustainability is one of her main priorities. Future generations should not be deprived of resources and opportunities due to the lack of mismanagement in the world today. She believes CoSE addresses global issues and aids in funding projects towards environmental, ecological and health problems.”


  • United Nations Development Programme (UNDP
  • World Bank Group
  • European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA)
  • United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)
  • World Bank Group
  • European Union External Action Service (EEAS)
  • Arab League Official Website
  • European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)
  • United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
  • Arab League
  • European External Action Service (EEAS)
  • League of Arab States (LAS) General Secretariat
  • Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
  • Tunisian Statistics, National Survey on Perceptions of Security, Liberties, and Local Governance 2014
  • LTDH Freedoms Observatory, The Situation of Freedoms in Tunisia (2012-2013)
  • Babnet, “OCTT: Increased Incidence of Torture in November” (December 2016)
  • United Nations Development Program (UNDP)
  • United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
  • Ministry of Justice in Lebanon
  • European Commission – Youth
  • Arab Youth Climate Movement (AYCM)
  • Global Environmental Outlook Report
  • Sustainability Scholarship Literature
  • Council of Michigan Foundations (CMF)
  • Hart’s Ladder of Youth Participation